Chemotherapy Unit

A place where we provide clinical treatment and management of patients who undergo chemotherapy treatment for cancer.



To provide excellent, evidence-based care for each patient we serve, while advancing cancer care for tomorrow.



To be first choice for cancer care.



•  Chemotherapy Administration

•  Bone Therapy

•  Immuno-therapy

•  Bone Marrow Aspiration

•  Intrathecal Chemotherapy

•  Blood Transfusion



•  Our Chemotherapy Unit is located at the 3rd floor PMMGMPC Hospital.

•  We are open every Monday to Friday 8AM-4PM.

•  We do not allow family member nor relatives to stay inside the unite temporarily due to pandemic safety protocols.

•  We have 4 lazy chairs for our patients.

•  Our unit is fully air conditioned and has its own restroom for the convenience of patients.

•  We have television sets to keep patients entertained while chemotherapy is ongoing.

•  We use our fume hood to reduce the risk of chemical inhalations while preparing chemo drugs.

•  We also have air purifier to eliminate pollutants. UV sterilization is once a week.

•  Lastly, we have a jolly, friendly, and accommodating chemo nurse and nursing attendants on duty who are caring and ready to assist our patients.